Apotheek Mommaert
The pharmacy Mommaert can be found in the center of Beersel.
This store has been open since 1974, you can go here for your medicine and other products. The pharmacy team would like to assist you in a professional manner and help you with any worries or questions.
The pharmacy uses the following opening hours. From Monday to Friday: 900 to 12.30 and 14.00 to 19.00. On Saturday, Mommaert is open from 9.00 to 12.30.
Do you want more information? Then call 02 331 07 14 or mail to apotheek.mommaert@skynet.be.
In the pharmacy Mommaert you can also go for a customized Go4Balance advice. The herbal drops, creams and the Clear Skin range to address skin impurities can also be found here.