trust product trust roller instantly provides more peace, grounding and inner peace!

roller - 10 ml

I bring rest and a good night’s sleep.

€ 18.00

 I bring peace and stability. 

The essential oils in Trust Cream help both adults and children enjoy an increased sense of inner peace and calm; they also encourage restorative sleep. 

Working together with the herbal extracts in Trust drops (like lavender, California poppy and passionflower), they provide natural, safe support for emotional and mental balance.  

The Trust Roller contains the same powerful essential oils as Trust Cream, mixed into an organic jojoba base and with the additional benefits of lemon balm and skin-softening vitamin E. A mix of essential oils (vetiver, orange and cedar) in a handy, purse-size roller!For your pencil case, laptop bag or handbag - perfect for work, school and travel.

  How do I use it?

Roll gently on the wrists or at specific points like the solar plexus (between navel and sternum), behind the ears (always in reach) or under the feet (in the evening or before bed). Use up and down, circular or ‘number eight’ movements. 

As you apply the roller, breathe deeply, pushing tension, overstimulation, irritation and even anger away from your body as you exhale. After each exhalation and banishment of negative thoughts and feelings, inhale positive and calming thoughts such as:  “I am full of confidence”, “I am safe and grounded”, “my mind is at peace and my body is calm and relaxed”, “I choose a restorative night’s sleep”, ‘my tensions melt like snow in the sun and my confidence grows in its warmth”. 

The deliciously-grounding Trust scent sets off a wonderful mental reboot, filtering out tension and overstimulation.

For children from the age of 5 and adults.

Not to be used by pregnant women and children under 5 years of age.

Use Trust Cream for younger children (4 years and above).


Trust Roller contains 100%  organic essential oils, jojoba oil and soybean oil.Vegan. Not tested on animals.


trust roller instantly provides more peace, grounding and inner peace!


Discover more about the ingredients:

Lemon balm essence Comes from the eastern Mediterranean but is a popular garden herb (and also grown on a much larger scale as a tea crop). Lemon balm calms and soothes, is a wonderful digestive and improves sleep quality.

Essentiële olie van cederhout heeft ook kalmerende eigenschappen. Deze olie wordt vooral ingezet voor een gezonde slaap en om een goede gemoedstoestand te behouden. Cederolie werkt versterkend op het lichaam.

Essentiële olie van Vetiver Is een plant uit de grasfamilie die groeit in tropische gebieden (India, Indonesië). Het zijn de wortels die worden gedestilleerd om de essentiële olie te leveren. Vetiverwortel heeft een ontspannende en verzachtende energie. Daarom vindt het zijn toepassing als relaxerende olie.

Essentiële olie van zoete sinaasappel haar rustgevende werking is gunstig voor personen die nood hebben aan een positieve gemoedtoestand, en een kalme en rustige geest ten tijde van stressperiodes en spanning.

Jojoba olie Jojoba-olie revitaliseert de huid. Het is de ideale huidverzorging om de huid elastisch, strak en jong te houden.

Soybean oil Is extracted from soybeans - an extremely popular legume in East Asia. It is rich in essential fatty acids and used throughout the cosmetics industry as a natural hydrating and softening agent. Soybean oil is quickly absorbed into the skin and works for every skin type.

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trust user experiences.

After I or the kids have had a long cry, it quickly brings us back to calm  – a cuddle in a bottle. It’s easier to be comforted. I also used my Trust roller when my neck started hurting after an argument; it helped my shoulders to relax instead of tense up like they usually do.LisaTrust user from Brugge

trust user from Brugge
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Louizalaan 143/4
1050 Brussels Advice service: +32 (0)477 200 200
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Go4Balance donates to the 'Four Paws' organization to support animal welfare each month.

Go4Balance remedies are manufactured in a laboratory according to the legal HACCP standards.

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